
Employee Care
Employee Care

Occupational Health And Safety

Functionality of the Committee

Taishin Bank has an “Occupational Safety and Health Committee” with a total of 15 members. The members include the President, representatives of the Administration Division, representatives of the Human Resources Division, nurses, occupational safety and health unit, Distribution Channels Division, and other units. Among them, 5 labor representatives are included in the committee, and the percentage of labor participation reaches one-third. Meetings are held quarterly. Major topics at the meeting include suggestions about occupational safety and health policies and management plans, implementation results of safety and health education and training, implementation results of work environment monitoring, health management and promotion and disease prevention, automatic inspections and safety and health audits, occupational disaster statistics and surveys, and other safety and health proposals.

In order to protect the safety and health of employees and to provide a safe and healthy workplace, Taishin actively introduced the international standard ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system, and implemented it in all workplaces with 11,489 employees and contractors. The coverage ratio of the system reached 100%. In addition, the Neihu Building of Taishin Bank was the first to pass the third-party verification of the British Standard Institution (BSI) in May 2020. The number of people who participated in the 2022 internal audit and external verification reached 1,830, with a coverage rate of 15.93%, implementing the promotion of occupational health and safety management system. During the system introduction process, the program documents of ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 were also integrated simultaneously. Through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) framework, by systematic management mechanisms such as hazard identification and risk assessment, regulatory review, internal audit, management review, and safety and health correction operations, based on the spirit of “conscientiousness and sustainability” and the “people-oriented” concept, establishing an essentially safe and healthy work environment.

Workplace risk identification and assessment process

In order to protect the health and safety of employees, Taishin is committed to providing a hazard-free workplace. Occupational safety personnel and on-site medical staff regularly conduct environmental risk assessment and hazard identification in the workplace. The Company passed the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system verification in 2020 and continued to pass the third-party re-verifications from 2021 to 2022, ensuring the continuous and effective operation of the system within the validity period of the certificate; the renewal of the ISO 45001 certificate is scheduled to be completed in 2023. Regarding the assessment of health risks, we generate a Taishin health risk matrix every year based on the results of health examinations, Framingham cardiovascular disease risk assessment, and the implementation of the hazard identification of the four major plans for labor health protection (abnormal workload, ergonomics, maternity, and illegal infringement).

According to the health risk matrix, medium-high-risk factors include cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and poor vision. Other health risk factors were classified as medium-low risks. Taishin has formulated different mitigation measures based on the risk values for voluntary management and active tracing to protect employees from health hazards at the workplace.The four major plans for workplace health protection have been fully implemented. When on-site physicians serve, high-risk groups are given priority for consultation, followed by those with health examination reports or recent health-related issues.

Taishin employee health risk matrix

Hierarchical control of occupational risks

Risk Level Explanation
  • High
  • Nurses actively remind employees to Health re-examination is required, undergo regular checkups and followed up on the recovery progress. Furthermore, these employees may have their conditions evaluated, arranging onsite doctor consultation services advised and explained by medical specialists.

  • Medium
  • Employees' health conditions and risk factors are tracked and health re-examination is recommended. Taishin also has physicians and nurses stationed on-site to provide medical consultation and health information.

  • Low
  • For events of low risk, Taishin provides health management information through the use of health column.

Workplace safety and goals

Safe Work Environment Measures

Item Description
  • Stress Management
    • Taishin has an "Abnormal workload-induced disease prevention program" available to assess and manage the health conditions of stressed workers within the Company.
    • Other resources such as on-site physicians, mental health information, hotlines for consulting (employee assistant program).
    • Hold lectures on psychology, exercise, diet, and DIY stress relief to help employees cope with work and life pressure.
  • Monitoring of the Work Environment
    • Taishin complies with Occupational Safety and Health Act and conducts indoor CO2 and luminance measurements once every six months. A total of 106 workplaces were monitored and measured in 2022 to ensure that work activities were not exposed to excessive levels of risk.
    • Taishin follows the indoor air quality management law promulgated by the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan to complete the air quality inspection and reporting of the head office.
    • Taishin performs indoor air quality inspections once every two years to test the presence of formaldehyde (HCHO) and particulate matters smaller than 10 ㎛ (PM10).
    • Taishin also measures temperature and humidity at large server rooms. Alcohol thermometers are placed at branch server rooms to monitor changes in temperature and humidity.
    • Renovation contractors are instructed to duly comply with the Noise Control Act and Noise Control Act Enforcement Rules throughout the construction period, and take constant care of protecting the work site and surrounding environment.
  • Ergonomic Hazard Prevention Program
    • By applying ergonomics knowledge, Taishin aims to prevent employees from suffering occupational injuries and illnesses (such as muscle/bone injuries, ergonomic hazards etc) due to prolonged exposure to ill-designed work environment, repetitive actions, incorrect posture, and improper work hours.
    • Customized subjects (such as service counters) are produced according to schematics; the sizes of which are designed based on business and ergonomic requirements.
    • Taishin also purchases office equipment and supplies that feature ergonomic design wherever possible.
    • Provided digital courses on the prevention of human-induced hazards.
  • Workplace Certification
    • Taishin obtained the Taiwan iSports Certification in 2016, and since 2017, a professional team had conducted physical fitness examinations for employees for four consecutive years. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the physical fitness examination was suspended in 2022.
    • Taishin was certified "AED Equipped" by the Ministry of Health and Welfare since 2018, which has been part of its promise of delivering a safe and friendly work environment for Taishin employees.
    • Won the first prize in the health activity category of "CHR Health Corporate Citizen" in the 2019 CommonHealth Magazine.
    • Won the 2022 “Promotion of Sustainable Workplace Health and Safety Development Plan” of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, being a healthy and safe enterprise with excellent performance based on the sustainability report.
    • Received the Bronze Prize of the Disease Prevention Vanguard Award of the Enterprise Pandemic Prevention Alliance presented by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control in 2022.
  • Smoke-free Workplace
    • Smoking by employees or business partners is prohibited anywhere within office premises nationwide. The Company's smoke-free policy and implica- tions of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act are communicated to employees through occupational safety and health training courses . 
  • Environment, Health and Safety Assessment
    • Appointed workplace physicians, nurses, and occupational safety personnel regularly conduct environmental assessments of the workplace, and further provide employers with information on employee occupational safety that employers shall pay attention to, as well as suggestions for improvement in workplace planning and equipment arrangement.
    • Passed the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system verification in 2020 and continued to pass the third-party re-verifications from 2021 to 2022, ensuring the continuous and effective operation of the system within the validity period of the certificate; the renewal of the ISO 45001 certificate is scheduled to be completed in 2023.

Employees' Health

According to the health risk matrix, professional lecturers in various fields are invited to provide health education and experience sharing, and conduct a series of health promotion or soft courses, covering topics such as pandemic prevention courses, psychological relief, exercise, diet, and maternal health. The results of mitigation measures for health risk issues are as follows:

Training and Education

In order to prevent occupational accidents and maintain the safety and health of workers in the workplace, in 2022, employees were sent to participate in the on-the-job education and training for first-aid personnel organized by the Bankers Association of the Republic of China, so as to improve the professional knowledge of first-aid personnel and familiarize them with first-aid skills. In addition to regularly participating in on-the-job education and training, the company also actively sends employees to participate in certification courses for personnel such as fire management personnel, first-aid personnel, and occupational health and safety business supervisors, so as to enhance employees’ safety and health knowledge and implement a corporate culture that promotes workplace safety and health among all employees.

Health Management Focus in 2022

  • New health management focus

    In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan in 2022, the annual health issues focus on pandemic monitoring, measures to encourage vaccination, and active responses to pandemic prevention measures. For those with abnormal health examination results, labor health care personnel will conduct follow-up management and health guidance, and arrange physician interviews.

  • More Frequent Service by Onsite Doctor

    A total of 25 on-site doctor consultation services were held in 2022, providing individual suggestions according to different types of work and work place, e.g., Ergonomic improvement plan, health guidance for abnormal personal health checkup.



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