
Major Announcements
Major Announcements

Announcement of the Board’s resolution on approving the first issuance of domestic unsecured exchangeable bonds of Taishin Financial Holdings

Date of events


To which item it meets

paragraph 11



1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2021/12/23

2.Name [issue no.__ of (secured, unsecured) corporate bonds of

___________ (company)]:First issuance  of domestic unsecured exchangeable

bonds of Taishin Financial Holdings Co. Ltd.

3.Total amount issued:Total par value up to NT$5,000,000,000

4.Face value per bond:NT$100,000

5.Issue price:100.5% of face value

6.Issuance period:3 years

7.Coupon rate:0%

8.Types, names, monetary values and stipulations of collaterals:NA

9.Use of the funds raised by the offering and utilization plan:To repay

borrowings, enhance working capital level and meet future investment needs.

10.Underwriting method:Book building

11.Trustees of the corporate bonds:Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.

12.Underwriter or agent:KGI Securities Co., Ltd.

13.Guarantor(s) for the issuance:NA

14.Agent for payment of the principal and interest:To be decided

15.Certifying institution:NA

16.Where convertible into shares, the rules for conversion:Final terms

and conditions will follow relevent regulations, and be announced

separately after receiving regulator's approval.

17.Sell-back conditions:None

18.Buyback conditions:

1.When the CHB share price exceeds 30% of the exchangeable price of

the exchangeable bonds in 30 consecutive days.

2.When the amount of outstanding exchangeable bonds less than 10%

of total amount of the issuance.

19.Reference date for any additional share exchange, stock swap, or

subscription:To be decided

20.Possible dilution of equity in case of any additional share exchange,

stock swap, or subscription:None

21.Any other matters that need to be specified:

The actual issuance plan, revision of issuance procedures and terms and

conditions and other related matters of this exchangeable bonds

,all issuance related operational matters...etc. are all authorized

to the chairman of the board or his designated agent. In future, shall

there be any changes in regulations, requirements approved by the

competent authority, or any needs for market conditions or other

subjective or objective factors, the required additional revisions

and adjustments shall apply.


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