
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement

Material Topics

Identification of Material Topics

This year, Taishin FHC identified material topics based on the recommended procedures in the new GRI Standards and the concept of double materiality. We started by determining the financial significance of the 19 sustainability issues identified in the past. We then analyzed the Economy, Environment, and People impacts of these material topics. We also considered the recommendations of experts and external stakeholders at each step to determine the material topics to be included in the ESG Report. The analysis procedures implemented this year are explained below.

Procedures for the Identification of Material Topics

Analysis procedures 1.Definitions of impact 2.Evaluation of materiality 3.Ranking and calibration of evaluation results 4.Approval of the managemen
  • Description
    • Taishin FHC used the list of 19 sustainability issues identified in 2021 as the basis and appointed an external professional sustainability consultant to redefine the list based on the impact of the issues.
    • Taishin FHC refocused on the potential positive and negative economy, environ-ment, and people, and social impacts of each issue. For instance, the "climate change strategy" issue was redefined as "climate finance" and "climate change impacts" based on the direction of the impact/ influence. They refer to positive/negative impacts of climate change.
    • After refocusing on the list of 19sustainability issues, Taishin FHC identified 10 issues with positive influence and 14 issues with negative impact.
    • The 21 units under the jurisdiction of the Sustainability Committee of Taishin FHC evaluated the impact of the 24 positive influences/negative impacts based on the degree of impact and the likelihood of occurrence.
    • The comprehensive assessment of the degree of impact focuses on the value chain of the impact (e.g., whether it involves multiple value chains), significance of the impact, and whether it can be mitigated or remedied through relevant management measures.
    • The comprehensive assessment of the likelihood of occurrence accounts for the number of related impacts that had occurred in the past and their frequency.
    • In the analysis process, add special weights to Taishin's three major sustainability strategies including negative impact on human rights and the number of value chains affected by the impact.
    • After the initial evaluation, the external sustainability consultants shall propose adjustment recommendations for the reasonable placement of issues.
    • The management of Taishin FHC also used financial significance, the other aspect of "double materiality", to provide a corrective opinion on its impact on the Company's strategy and financial performance from the perspective of the management.
    • We ranked the 19 sustainability issues in order of materiality based on the defined impacts and analysis results.
    • We presented the analysis results to the Board of Directors for final approval and confirmed the material topics for the Sustainability Report this year.
  • Review of the opinions of stakeholders and experts
    • We appointed external professional sustainability consultants to provide recommendations on how to define the economic, environmental, and social impacts of these issues.
  • When assessing the likelihood of the occurrence of an issue, relevant units must give due consideration to the opinions of stakeholders in day-to-day communication, including but not limited to:

    • Customer:For Wholesale Banking customers, identify whether they are involved in corporate governance, environmental pollution, and human rights violations to determine the impact of relevant issues on the value chain.
    • Consumerbankingcustomers andconsumers:Reference their opinions and the complaints and verify whether there are infringements of related rights and interests such as privacy rights or other rights and interests of customers
    • Employees:Reference their opinions and the complaints and verify whether there are cases involving workplace safety and infringements of human rights.
    • Suppliers:Reference their opinions and evaluation results and verify whether there are cases involving corporate governance, environmental pollution, and infringements of human rights.


  • When determining the impact of the value chain on relevant issues and calibrating the evaluation results, the Company shall also take the views of stakeholders into account. Examples include:

    • Investors:Adjust the materiality of the issues where appropriate based on day-to-day communication with institutional investors and the changes in their ESG ratings.
    • Competent authorities:Adjust the materiality of the issues where appropriate based on related ratings, penalties, and policies of competent authorities (e.g., commitment to Net Zero by 2050 and implementation of the Green Finance Action Plan 3.0).
    • The Corporate Sustainability Committee jointly reviews and discusses the analysis results of material topics and confirmed the 15 material topics for 2022.

Materiality Matrix in 2022

Based on the evaluation results for 2022, a total of 8 issues were identified as highly material, 7 issues were identified as moderately material, and 4 issues were identified as general topics. In the identification of material topics, Taishin FHC referenced the recommendations of stakeholders and external experts and decided to recognize sustainable issues that are ranked moderately material or higher as material topics, 15 material topics identified for 2022 .

List of material topics
We identified 15 material topics this year, with changes from the previous year in issues such as "Human Rights and Gender Equality", "Financial Inclusion", and "Labor-Management Relations". The main reasons for the changes were:

  • Human Rights and Gender Equality

    • This issue was assessed as a non-material topic in 2021. We reevaluated the material topics based on impact this year. As this issue can create an impact in several parts of the value chain, its materiality was elevated.
  • Financial Inclusion

    • This issue was assessed as a non-material topic in 2021. In response to the expectations of international institutional investors, we considered Taishin FHC's ability to exert influence by supporting financially disadvantaged groups on this issue and decided to support the Taishin FHC's sustainability strategy for sustainable empowerment. We therefore elevated its materiality.
  • Labor-Management Relations

    • This issue was assessed as a non-material topic in 2021. We reevaluated the material topics based on impact this year. As the influence of this issue in the value chain is focused on the companies' operations, its materiality was reduced.


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