

Message from the Chairman

Year 2022 was an important year for Taishin FHC. It marked not only Taishin's 30th anniversary, but also the beginning of a new commitment to sustainability. Following the spirit of conscientiousness and sustainability, Taishin set "Dedicated to Sustainability & Living Green" as the vision and "Climate Action", " Financial Prosperity ", and "Empower People" as the three core strategies for sustainability. All planning, promotion, and practice in different areas follow the same vision and strategies. Taishin will watch closely sustainability trends and climate change impacts around the world, and will use our core banking services to guide industries to support sustainable development.

Chairman of Taishin FHC
Chairman of Taishin FHC



Earnings per share (NT$)

63.8 billion

Consolidated revenue (NT$)

135.56 %

Capital Adequacy Ratio


Number of service locations at the beginning of the year


Number of ATMs at the beginning of the year


The annual growth rate of actual customers (Note)


The annual growth rate of transaction volume


New new financial patents

10.23 million

Annual employee on-the-job training subsidy (NT$)


Number of people obtaining financial licenses (people)


Average water usage per person (m³)


Average power usage per person (kWh)


Annual greenhouse gas emissions (tCO2e)

95.46 million

Green procurement amount (NT$)


Number of employees at the end of the year

55.74 million

Employee education and training expenses(NT$)


Total employee training hours

16.14 million

Employee benefit expenses (NT$)


Volunteer service (hours)

93.48 million

Resources committed to social engagement (NT$)

External affirmation

  • Dow Jones Sustainability Indices World and Emerging Markets Index in 2018-2022

    Dow Jones Sustainability Indices World and Emerging Markets Index in 2018-2022
  • Emerging Indexes in 2017-2023

    Emerging Indexes in 2017-2023
  • ESG performance rated AA – Leader in 2020-2022

    ESG performance rated AA – Leader in 2020-2022
  • One of the Best EM Performers Ranking in 2019-2021

    One of the Best EM Performers Ranking in 2019-2021
  • FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG index 2017-2023

    FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG index 2017-2023
  • Carbon Disclosure Project A- List in 2022

    Carbon Disclosure Project A- List in 2022
  • Corporate Governance 100 Index in 2014-2022

    Taiwan Stock Exchange

  • High Compensation 100 Index in 2014-2022

    Taiwan Stock Exchange

Follow the topic

  • Privacy Protection

    We commit to provide complete information security protection and create a reliable and trusted environment for banking devlopment.

    Privacy Protection
  • FinTech/ Digital Innovation

    We commit to optimize digital service experience based on a customer-centric philosophy and efforts into improving overall digital capacity integrate into customers' lifestyles.

    FinTech/ Digital Innovation
  • Social Impact

    We commit to eliminate inequalities by directing attention, resources and training to the socially disadvantaged. Contribute to the health and welfare of all peoples through quality education, arts and cultural exhibition.

    Social Impact

Sustainability Report



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即將前往的網址 : https://www.taishinholdings.com.tw/news/news_04.jsp?newspage=01&readYear=2020&rowid=24441



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