
Major Announcements
Major Announcements

Announces the Member of the 5th Remuneration Committee of Taishin FHC

Date of events


To which item it meets

paragraph 6


1.Date of occurrence of the change:2021/07/23

2.Name of the functional committees:Remuneration Committee

3.Name and resume of the previous position holder:

Yi-Fu Lin:Independent Director of Taishin Financial Holding Co.,Ltd.

Min-Yu Chang:Independent Director of Taishin Financial Holding Co.,Ltd.

Kuo-Lin Kuan:Independent Director of Taishin Financial Holding Co.,Ltd.

4.Name and resume of the new position holder:

Yi-Fu Lin:Independent Director of Taishin Financial Holding Co.,Ltd.

Min-Yu Chang:Independent Director of Taishin Financial Holding Co.,Ltd.

Kuo-Lin Kuan:Independent Director of Taishin Financial Holding Co.,Ltd.

5.Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”,

“term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”):term expired

6.Reason for the change:Replaced members tenure expired, new members appointed

by resolution of the board of directors.

7.Original term (from __________ to __________):2018/07/02~2021/06/30

8.Effective date of the new member:2021/07/23

9.Any other matters that need to be specified:Nil


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