

6-time winner of HR Asia Best Companies To Work For In Asia Taishin FHC receives more global recognition

Taishin FHC was named one of 2023 Best Companies To Work For In Asia by HR Asia on July 20. Taishin FHC has received the honor for six consecutive years since 2018. The award used employee loyalty indicators in organizational, team, and personal aspects and invited employees to complete questionnaires anonymously and rate their employers. HR Asia then brought together experts from related fields to review organizations' investment in human resources by strict standards. A list of best companies to work for was produced at the end of this process. Best Companies To Work For In Asia is Asia's most indicative and largest human resources award. The award covers 12 countries/regions. Performing significantly above industry average in all indicators, Taishin FHC stood out from 339 candidates to win the award for the sixth consecutive year. Only 12 companies have received the award for six consecutive years so far. The honor embodies consistent recognition for Taishin FHC's all-round and continuous effort in human resources and its successes.


According Taishin FHC Human Resources Division SVP Nan-Shing Chang, Taishin has always paid close attention to employee feedback. A well-established channel for surveying and collecting feedback is in place to facilitate internal communication. Taishin tries to optimize the workplace experience through comprehensive employee care in life and career planning for employees. The system offers flexible hours, 60-day maternity leave that is better than the regulatory requirement, and 8-day pregnancy checkup leave and paternity leave in order to help employees achieve a better work-life balance. Meanwhile, as part of the active support for employees to expand their career boundaries, personal target management and development plans are put in place along with a well-established training system and job rotation mechanisms to create a complete personal career development system. Taishin also offers competitive renumeration packages. Taishin FHC has been included in the Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index for nine consecutive years since 2015. Taishin FHC has been promoting corporate sustainability for years as part of the commitment to creating a workplace of gender equality and diversity. Being considered in the selection process for the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the first time and being included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index this year reflected international recognition and support for the effort to create a diverse and inclusive workplace.


Taishin owes its continuing success at international awards to an open and mutually trusted channel for employee communication, an extensive and rich range of learning resources, competitive benefit and compensation packages, and a diverse and inclusive workplace. Taishin FHC will stay actively engaged with employees in the future in order to become more aligned with employees' expectations and make timely adjustment in response to changes in the external environment. Taishin FHC will strive to provide a better work experience and build on its image as one of the best companies to work for.


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