

Taishin 30 Net Zero Forum Kicked Off on 4/22 Thomas Wu Led the Leaders of Industry, Government, and Academia to Make Propositions Together

Taishin is entering its 30th anniversary, and has actively implemented sustainable actions in the spirit of ‘Conscientiousness and Sustainability” to help achieve the goal of global net zero emissions. Following Taishin's recent announcement of the launch of the net zero project and advocating the “green life” action plan, Taishin will hold the “Taishin 30 Sustainable Net Zero Forum: Committing to Net Zero with Diligence to Achieve Sustainability by 2030” to advocate net zero emissions on Friday, April 22 at 14:00 at the Mandarin Oriental in Taipei. This event will gather key domestic and foreign experts and scholars, representatives of government agencies, and corporate leaders to jointly make propositions and call on more corporate partners to join the ranks of sustainability.


Vice President Ching-Te Lai and the Financial Supervisory Commission’s Vice Chairperson Tsuey-Ling Hsiao have been invited to deliver speeches at the forum in person. Taishin Financial Holdings’ Chairman Thomas Wu will speak about “Net Zero: Keep Abreast of the Future Trend of Sustainable Finance” in his opening speech and personally share how the financial industry can assist corporations in forming alliances in the net zero trend, stay up-to-date on the development trend of sustainable finance, and practice sustainability. Thomas Wu’s speech will be followed by keynote speeches by sustainability experts such as professor Rebecca Henderson, co-chair of Harvard Business School and the Harvard University Climate Change Task Force, and Taiwan’s ambassador-at-large Eugene Chien. They will be invited to share international perspectives and experiences, examine the current situation in Taiwan in-depth, and discuss net zero opportunities for corporations to connect globally.


In the second half of the forum, two discussions on “Net Zero Transformation and Net Zero Business Opportunities” and “Net Zero Life and Net Zero Investment” will be held simultaneously. Welch Lin, President of Taishin Financial Holdings, and Eric Chien, Chief Investment Officer at Taishin Holdings, will participate in the discussions respectively, along with several representatives from industry, government, and academia. Among them, the discussion on “Net Zero Transformation and Net Zero Business Opportunities” will start from the policy perspective and focus on the path assessment and blueprint planning, carbon pricing, and the subsequent impact of carbon tariffs. They will also switch to a corporate perspective to see how the industry can upgrade, carry out green transformations, and take advantage of opportunities. The discussion on “Net Zero Life and Net Zero Investment” will focus on the practice of how to promote green life from the consumer side. They will exchange opinions from the perspective of green finance on how the financial industry affects industrial sustainability and consumer behavior.


Taishin celebrates the important milestone of its 30th anniversary this year. With “net zero” as the main focus of action, Taishin has made a “green life” proposition that integrates with people’s lives and focuses on sustainable coexistence between humans and nature! Taishin is collaborating with heavyweight strategic partners, including Gogoro, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, Shinkong Textile, FamilyMart, Puyong Archiland, and Taiwan Farm Industry, to jointly launch a series of sustainability activities related to people's food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Taishin is also actively encouraging and educating the public to practice green life together.


Taishin is holding the “Taishin 30 Sustainable Net Zero Forum” to further play an important role as a financial company in leading the development of the industry. This event gathers key figures from industry, government, and academia to create an indispensable platform of collaboration. Taishin hopes that all sectors will continue to pay attention to sustainability and net zero emissions by conducting exchanges on the latest trends, policy directions, and practices at home and abroad, thereby inspiring more corporate partners to join the movement and practice sustainability and stimulate more creative actions. The “Taishin 30 Sustainable Net Zero Forum” is now open for online registration, and it has already received enthusiastic responses from leaders, directors, supervisors, and middle and top management from large corporations. There have been many registrations, and experts on sustainability who have not yet registered are welcome to register as soon as possible.


[Event Information]

Event Date|Friday, April 22 2022, 14:00-16:20

Event Location|Mandarin Oriental Taipei, B2 Mandarin Ballroom (No. 158, DunHua N Rd., Songshan District., Taipei City)

Event Registration|https://www.cw.com.tw/feature/topic/2022taishin


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