

Taishin FHC Completes Merger of Prudential Life Insurance. New Future with Full Range of Financial Holding Assets

Taishin FHC completed the procedures for the merger of Prudential Life Insurance on June 30 and formally acquired comprehensive financial holding assets, becoming a comprehensive financing holding company with three core businesses — banking, insurance, and securities. Taishin FHC wishes to express gratitude for the professional advice and guidance as well as the contributions of the FSC. We also wish to thank Pramerica Financial for its approval of Taishin FHC and the opportunity to merge Prudential Life Insurance.


After Prudential Life Insurance becomes a member of the Taishin FHC Group, it has renamed itself Taishin Life Insurance to continue to provide services to customers. The existing rights and benefits of the insured are provided with comprehensive protection and they also enjoy the innovative and diverse financial products and services provided by the subsidiary companies of Taishin FHC. As for employees of Prudential Life Insurance who are now members of the Taishin FHC family, we look forward to growing together to make Taishin better and become the smart partner for all citizens.


The roles of Taishin Life Insurance’s first Chairman and President will be filled by Mr. Kang Tsai and Mr. I-Hua Hsing. The two executives have extensive experience in the insurance business and are professional talents recruited by Taishin from numerous top talents. Once their qualifications are reviewed and approved by the FSC, the management team will continue to uphold Taishin’s sustainable development ideals and lead Taishin Life Insurance to expand the insurance businesses. Taishin Life Insurance will continue to build on the high-quality life insurance team and develop insurance channels in banks. It shall integrate and leverage the resources of companies of the Group to provide the public with more diversified financial insurance products and high-quality services.


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