

Taishin FHC Donates NT$30 Million to Support Taipei City and New Taipei City Governments, NTU Hospital, and Taipei City Hospital in Combating the Pandemic

As Taipei City and New Taipei City have been struck by the continued spread of the pandemic, Taishin FHC decided to provide support by donating NT$10 million to both Taipei City and New Taipei City Governments to cover unexpected expenditures. Taishin FHC also donated NT$5 million to both NTU Hospital and Taipei City Hospital for additional expenditures during the pandemic prevention period.


Taishin FHC Chairman Thomas T.L. Wu stated that as Taipei City and New Taipei City have become the epicenters of the pandemic when confirmed cases rise in all areas of both cities, we now rely on volunteers and resources of the private sector to complete the pandemic prevention tasks such as setting up quarantine hotels and implementing intensive contact tracing, quarantine, and disinfection tasks. Police officers on the front lines are also responsible for a wide range of pandemic prevention duties. These additional expenditures cannot be met by the normal budget. To help the mayors of the two cities effectively allocate resources and ensure the smooth progression of pandemic prevention tasks, Taishin FHC has decided to donate NT$10 million to each government to support their needs. Meanwhile, NTU Hospital and Taipei City Hospital are now the front lines of the war against the pandemic, and medical resources have become increasingly stretched. They must meet the growing demand for pandemic prevention tasks while maintaining the regular operations of the medical institutions. As they faced extreme manpower and resource shortages, Taishin FHC also donated NT$5 million to each hospital to help pay for the increase in tasks.


Thomas T.L. Wu stated that although the pandemic has swept across Taiwan, New Taipei City and Taipei City remain the level 1 battleground with the highest number of confirmed cases and transmissions as well as the highest level of pressure on medical resources. As a member of the society, Taishin FHC is responsible for providing support in the fight against the pandemic. We hope that with the hard work of the government, medical institutions, and all citizens, we can overcome the pandemic and return to normal life as quickly as possible.


Thomas T.L. Wu emphasized that Taishin FHC and its subsidiary companies have actively increased disease prevention measures based on the principles of protecting employees and serving customers. We activated work off-site and working from home measures to ensure uninterrupted services. We also provided full support for employees’ self-paid administration of COVID-19 vaccines and two days of paid leave for vaccination to ensure employees' safety. Moreover, the subsidiary, Taishin Securities has already donated 3,000 rapid test kits to Taipei City Government to help control the pandemic. The Group announced today to donate NT$30 million to support Taipei City and New Taipei City Governments as well as medical institutions for combating the pandemic and fulfilling corporate social responsibilities. Taishin will continue to work hard with all citizens in combating the pandemic and hope that everyone can stay safe during the pandemic. Keep it up, Taiwan!


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