
Brand Event and Videos
Brand Event and Videos

More than 12,000 people flock to the main stadium of the new dreamer

Sports Sponsorships

Taiwan’s professional basketball is setting off a brand new trend. The "Formosa Taishin Dreamers" basketball team sponsored by Taishin Bank has experienced successive defeats and setbacks at the beginning of last year’s season, and its winning rate has gradually increased since its gorgeous transformation this year. Climbing and taking off the playoff tickets on March 27th, fans who support Taishin Dreamers are ecstatic. Taishin Dreamer’s final home game of this season was held in Changhua County Stadium for two consecutive days (4/3, 4/4). Tian Lei, one of the spiritual leaders, announced before the game that he would retire after the game, causing fans to snap up the game. The tickets are full! Taishin Bank also specially planned various fun and guessing activities for this home game, so that all fans watching the game can not only compete to see the charming demeanor of Shaoxia Field Base, but also actually experience the Taishin financial ecosystem. With the convenience and charm of the two games, 12,000 people poured in to witness a historic moment in Taiwan’s basketball with Taishin.


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