
Brand Event and Videos
Brand Event and Videos

Taishin FHC sets up a transfer box to invite people to pray for good luck

Themed Installations

In the Year of the Ox, we wish to transfer and wish, Taishin Financial Holdings invites you to interact and have a good New Year! In less than a month, it will be the New Year of the Ox in the lunar calendar. Affected by the epidemic last year, the public hoped that the new year could usher in good luck, add wealth, life, and luck. In order to increase the New Year’s joy in the Renai Circle area and bring the people a warm feeling of the Spring Festival, Taishin Financial Holdings set up a large transfer box outside the headquarters building on Ren’ai Road in Taipei City, and used the ancient words “Fu, Lu, Shou, Happy, Cai”. The characters are carved to represent the five beautiful wishes of the people for happiness, promotion, longevity, celebration, and wealth. People can start the transfer box with music and lighting effects as long as they show the QR Code of the designated webpage at the scene. Good luck such as "Fu, Lucky, Longevity, Joy, Finance" will turn things around in the new year, and everything you want will come true.


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即將前往的網址 : https://www.taishinholdings.com.tw/news/news_04.jsp?newspage=01&readYear=2020&rowid=24441



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