
Board Meetings
Board Meetings

Board Members

The Company conducted the 2024 Shareholders' Meeting On June 14, 2024 and elected for the 9th term of the board of directors (including independent directors). The directors shall serve a term of three years, from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027. The 9th term of the Board of Directors comprises 7 members, including 3 independent directors (2 of whom was female and 1of whom was a certified public accountant).

  • Wu, Tong-Liang


    • Representative of Chia Hao Co., Ltd.
      Education: MBA, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), CA, USA
      Principal Experience: 

      • Chairman of Taishin Holdings and Taishin Bank

      • Chairman of Taishin Charity Foundation, Chairman of CNAIC

      • Chairman and Director of Taishin Venture Capital Investment

      • Chairman and President of Shinkong Synthetic Fibers

      • Vice Chairman of Teco Electric and Machinery

      • Director, Managing Director and Supervisor of First Commercial Bank, Taipei Business Bank and Hua Nan Bank

      • Managing Director of Shinkong Insurance and Shin Kong Life Insurance

      Industry Experience / Professional Training: Financial Holding, Banking, Insurance, Securities, Industry, Finance and Risk Management

  • Wu, Cheng-Ching


    • Representative of TASCO Chemical Co., Ltd.
      Education: Ph.D., Engineering, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan

      Principal Experience:

      • Director and Supervisor of Taishin Holdings and Taishin Bank

      • Chairman and President of TASCO Chemical

      • Managing Director and Director of Chang Hwa Bank

      • Managing Director of Petrochemical Industry Association of Taiwan

      • Chairman of Taiwan Chemical Industry Association
      • Director of Pacific Cultural Foundation

      • Member of Steering Committee, China Youth Corps.
      • Director of Teacher Chang Foundation

      • Professor of Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University

      Industry Experience / Professional Training: Financial Holding, Banking, Industry and Risk Management

  • Kuo, Jui-Sung


    • Representative of Hsiang-Chao Co., Ltd.
      Education: Ph.D., Physics, New Hampshire University, NH, USA

      Principal Experience:

      • Director of Taishin Holdings and Taishin Bank

      • Professor of Department of Information Science, Business School, Soochow University

      • Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

      • Chairman of TECO Technology Foundation

      • Director of TECO Image Systems

      • Supervisor of Sercomm

      • Director of International Bank of Taipei

      Industry Experience / Professional Training: Financial Holding, Banking, Industry , Information Technology and Risk Management

  • Wang, Chu-Chan


    • Representative of Santo Arden Co., Ltd.

      Education: BA, Pharmaceutical, Kaohsiung Medical College, Kaohsiung, TW

      Principal Experience: 

      • Director and Standing Supervisor of Taishin Holdings and Taishin Bank

      • Director of TITAN II Venture Capital, Shinkong Investment Trust, Shin Kong Security and Taishin Bills Finance

      • Director of The China-Europe Creativity Cultural and Educational Foundation

      • Director and Supervisor of The Great Taipei Gas Corporation

      Industry Experience / Professional Training: Financial Holding, Banking, Securities, Industry and Risk Management

  • Wang, Mei-Hua

    Independent Director

    • Education: Bachelor of Laws, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TW

      Principal Experience:

      • Ministry of Economic Affairs, Minister
      • Ministry of Economic Affairs, Deputy Minister
      • Ministry of Economic Affairs, Vice Minister
      • Intellectual Property Office, Director-General

      Industry Experience / Professional Training: Financial Holding, Banking, Law, Risk Management and Government/ Public Policy

  • Kuan, Kuo-Lin

    Independent Director

    • Education: MBA, University of Southern California, CA, USA

      Principal Experience:

      • Independent Director of Taishin Holdings and Taishin Life Insurance
      • Senior Consultant of McKinsey
      • Chairman and President of Citibank Taiwan Ltd.
      • Country Business Manager, Consumer Banking, Citibank N.A. Taiwan
      • Director of Citi Insurance Agency and Citi Property Insurance Agency

      Industry Experience / Professional Training: Financial Holding, Banking, Insurance, Finance and Risk Management

  • Chang, Min-Yu

    Independent Director

    • Education: MBA, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TW

      Principal Experience:

      • Independent Director of Taishin Holdings and Taishin Bank

      • Executive CPA of Zhongxin United CPA Firm

      • Supervisor of Leo Systems

      • Director of Chang Hwa Bank

      • Reorganizer of First International Telecom Inc.

      • Director of Chi-Tun Consulting

      Industry Experience / Professional Training: Financial Holding, Banking, Accounting, Finance, Information Technology and Risk Management


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即將前往的網址 : https://www.taishinholdings.com.tw/news/news_04.jsp?newspage=01&readYear=2020&rowid=24441



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