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Notes on Personal Information Protection Act

Dear Customer, to ensure your rights are protected, if you are leaving a message containing your personal information, in respect to the personal information protection laws, Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd. ("Taishin FHC") shall explicitly inform you of the following issues. (and by sending your message, you acknowledge you understand fully the information disclosed herein):

For the specific purpose of handling matters referred to in your message or suggestion, Taishin FHC may collect, process, and use the name, contact details and other personal information that you provide on the Taishin FHC website as well as any personal information that is used subsequently in communication with Taishin FHC for the aforesaid specific purpose. The time period, area, target, and way of the use of the aforesaid personal information by Taishin FHC will be confined to what is necessary to fulfill the aforesaid specific purpose. For the duration of the aforementioned specific purpose or as permitted by relevant regulations or the term during which you are entitled to exercise your rights, whichever condition endures shall prevail, Taishin FHC may also make the personal information that you provided available to Taishin FHC and its subsidiaries, their outsourcing service providers, agencies/institutions authorized by law and financial supervision office to be collected, processed, transmitted by using automatic or non-automatic measures in domestic or foreign locations in accordance with the applicable personal information protection laws. With regard to your personal information collected byTaishin FHC, you may exercise the rights to (1) inquire or request for a review; (2) make duplications; (3) supplement or rectify; (4) discontinue collecting, processing, and using; and (5) delete, except where the information is necessary for Taishin FHC to complete its task, business activity or where you have agreed in writing and the exception is noted. You may decide whether to provide complete information. However, Taishin FHC may not be able to process your message if you decide not to provide your personal information, leave incomplete or incorrect information, or ask to delete or discountinue collecting, processing, and using your personal information.

Thank you for comments and suggestions.


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