
Company Profile
Company Profile

Brand Story

"Your Smart Partner" is the brand positioning of Taishin FHC. By remaining attentive to our clients’ needs with the commitment to our spirit of dedication, and by adhering to our principles of integrity, commitment, innovation, and cooperation, we strive to fulfill these needs and forge lasting client relationships. We also extend this sense of partnership to every corner of the community and to our interaction with every member of society. Together, we journey forth right by your side in our aspiration to become the wise and smartest financial partner for our employees, clients, shareholders, and greater community.

Vision and Mission


  • To become a consistently growing and trustworthy financial institution, a role model in corporate governance and social responsibilities, a leader in Taiwan’s financial industry, and a leading brand in the Chinese-speaking world.


  • Become the financial institution that best satisfies customers’ needs by delivering quality service and innovation.
  • Become customers’ primary bank by choice and succeed with customers.
  • Implement sound corporate governance and fulfill social responsibilities.

Core Values

ICIC are the principles through which we achieve our vision and purpose, our standard of conduct and our guiding compass. They are the perfect embodiment of our corporate culture.

  • 誠信


    Integrity, righteousness and discipline are our most fundamental and also most important principle, and are representations of both our company’s character and our personal morals. We are not afraid to speak the truth and we encourage constructive criticism. We place the interests of the clients, shareholders, and company far above the interests of the departments or individuals.

  • 承諾


    We are committed to our accountability and we accept all challenges with the best of our endeavors to fulfill our promises to the company, clients, shareholders, employees, and the community.

  • 創新


    Innovation is our lifeblood. We embrace change, and are not afraidto try new thins, while maintaining a positive, efficient attitude at all times.

  • 合作


    Collaboration ensures that we satisfy customer needs and the overall wellbeing of the holdings company. We take a proactive approach to identify opportunities to serve our clients and listen to their voices in order to design programs that benefit both the clients and the company. We never give up.

Business identification

  • The corporate identity system (CIS) of Taishin Financial Holding is mainly formed by two major parts. The condensation TS comes from the English transliteration the company's Chinese name (TAISHIN) and lies in the middle of the design. The “TS” is linked with a lion-like image outline to demonstrate the company's ambition of becoming the leader of the industry. The outline shows spirits of “solid” and “soft”, extending with balance, to fully display the aggressive and passionate characteristics of Taishin Financial Holding.

    The CIS is framed by golden stripes at the outer parts to illustrate the promises made by subsidiaries concerning products and services of Taishin Financial Holding and to continuously operate upright and honest.

    The primary color expression of Taishin Financial Holding's CIS is gold. The color of gold symbolizes the company's consistency, specialty, respect and passion to serve customers, along with the brilliant hopeful rays shinning after the integration of subsidiaries.

    Taishin Financial Holding aims at integrating the most professional financial talents and providing major financial services, for creating the largest value for customers with firmest and steadiest operating systems, to become the most trust-worthy financial holding company.


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