Taishin FHC Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019

87 Friendly Workplace of employees had participated in the 2019 opinion survey of employees believe that Taishin is a diverse and integrating workplace. The overall engagement score is 8% higher than the norm of the Asia-Pacific financial services industry. 94 % 80 % 8 % Taishin Holdings engages external consultants regularly to conduct full-scale surveys on employees' opinions. By learning employees' views on the management practices in place, the organization is able to identify the key factors for retaining top talents as well as critical issues that require immedi- ate improvement, so that feasible action plans can be devised accordingly. Taishin conducts organization-wide employee surveys once every two years; the last two surveys were conducted in 2015, 2017, and 2019. The next survey is scheduled in 2021. For every other year, a survey is conducted for different business groups or specific groups of people, such as the Retail & Wealth Management Channel Division in 2016 and the Wholesale Banking Group in 2018. 1.Understand the key factors affecting engagement and willingness to stay in the company to optimize various human resources policies. 2.Adopt the employee experience model and identify key elements in employee experiences that staff cares most about. 3.Develop in-depth understanding of our organization needs in talent development for digital services and especially digital financial trans - formation, to enhance our long-term competitiveness. -34 Labor-Management Relations Labor-Management Communication Channels Employee Opinion Survey Channel Summary and Method of Response Up to Quaterly Quaterly Immediately Immediately Once every two years Immediately Irregularly Taishin morning meetings Employee mailbox Employee opinion surveys Employee hotline HR representatives Labor-management meetings Key Outcomes from the Employee Opinion Survey These meetings are hosted personally by the Chairman and held in Taishin FHC building with nationwide video conferencing. Meeting details are uploaded to the website after each session, while a video newsletter concerning the issues discussed is produced and circulated to all employees in the form of a video link. The Company received 3 opinions from employee mailbox in 2019; the case had been closed and addressed properly. Taishin engages external consultants regularly to identify key issues that require immediate attention, so that feasible action plans can be devised accordingly. The Company received no opinion from employee hotline in 2019. In the future, we will continue to maintain our communi- cation channels and properly handle employee opinions. Each department within the organization has been assigned a HR representative, whose duties are to bridge communication between employees and Taishin, deliver employees' opinions, and interpret the Company's policies. Taishin convenes quarterly labor-management meetings, during which the labor and the management select a group of representatives with gender distribution complying with legal requirements to coordinate and make decisions that contribute to a harmonic employment relationship.In 2019, Taishin negotiated with employees on a number of issues including public holidays, 2-week/8-week/4-week flexible work hours, holiday in-lieu, overtime, compensatory leave, female night shift, work flows for dispatched employees, the day and night allowances system, whether the salary from unused annual leaves would be counted into labor/health insurance and labor pension insurance premiums etc.. To encourage reporting of illegal conducts and filing of complaints whenever employees’ rights have been compromised, Taishin has established a diverse range of communication channels for employees to express their opinions. These communication channels have been clearly stated in the Employee Code of Conduct and are published on the Company’s intranet and Internet website to ensure that they are known and used to maintain employee rights.