
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder's Questionnaire

Your continued support to Taishin Financial Holdings is greatly appreciated. Your opinions, as the foundation for future improvement, are highly valued. Please fill in the following questionnaire to assist us to understand the issues you concern, which we are able to response and manage them proactively and make the sustainability development be in line with your expectation.

  • 1. Please identify which Stakeholder group you or your organization belongs to:
  • 2. Please identify which of the following media you learned about Taishin’s actions related to Corporate Social Responsibility. (multiple selections are accepted)
  • 3. Please score the degree of attention on a scale of 1~5, 1 is the lowest degree of attention, and 5 is the highest degree of attention

    【Corporate Governance and Business Integrity】Poor corporate governance and failure to implement an integrity management culture may lead to incidents of unethical conduct and corruption, which directly damages the reputation of the Company and the rights and interests of stakeholders and may even affect the overall stability of the financial market.

    【Sustainable Finance】Leverage the business and investment activities of Taishin FHC to direct capital to sustainable industries and economic activities, reduce economic, environmental, and social problems, reduce energy and resource consumption, and enhance the environmental resilience of the overall economy.

    【FinTech/Digital Innovation】In response to advancements in FinTech, create a digital financial ecosystem and cultivate talents in to increase the convenience and digitization in customers' financial service experience. Reduce energy and resource consumption by increasing efficiency.

    【Climate Change Strategies】Leverage the business and investment activities of Taishin FHC to direct capital to low-carbon economic activities that support climate adaptation and enhance the climate resilience of the overall economy.

    【Remuneration, Benefits & Employee Care】Use a comprehensive remuneration and benefits system to motivate employees and enhance the overall competitiveness of the Company. Provide comprehensive care to employees and their families in different stages of their lives and thereby increase the overall stability of the financial industry.

    【Hiring and Talent Development】Implement the Company's diversity and non-discrimination policy, and implement zero discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, or physical and mental disabilities in hiring, evaluations, and promotions so that employees have fair career development opportunities.

    【Business Continuity and Technology Risk Management】Failure to provide critical services due to negligence in the operational continuity plan, information system recovery plan, and contingency funding plan may violate the rights and interests of customers and stakeholders. In severe cases, it may affect the overall stability of the financial market.

    【Green Operation Management】Failure to implement effective management of energy, water resources, and waste may create irreversible burdens on the environment, such as pollution of the environment (soil, air, water, etc.)

    【Human Rights and Gender Equality】Issues involving labor rights such as overtime work and forced labor may damage employees' work rights. Gender and other forms of discrimination may damage employees' work rights.

    【Occupational Health and Safety】Organize employee health promotion activities and action plans to improve employees' health and prevent potential additional expenditures for health issues.

    【Information and transaction security】A security breach or cyberattack or blackmail by hackers may lead to the breach of confidential information of the Company, tampering, or business disruption, which would violate the rights and interests of customers and stakeholders.

    【Risk management and internal control】Inappropriate management of external, emerging, or market risks or internal credit, operational, liquidity and other risks in business operations that exceed the Company's risk appetite, or idle capital may result in material non-compliance or operating losses that affect the interests of customers, shareholders, and other stakeholders.

    【Customer relationship management】Poor quality of financial products and services or failure to implement fair customer treatment may result in complaints for damage to customers' rights and interests.

    【Protection of Privacy】Leaks of personal data of customers, employees, or other stakeholders may infringe upon their privacy.

    【Financial Inclusion】Provide preferential or diverse financial services to disadvantaged or special groups to increase the convenience of financial services. Support the transformation and development of small and medium-sized, environmental and social organizations or enterprises to promote business activities with social benefits.

    【Local Care】Use the Company's resources and expertise to help disadvantaged groups, rural groups, and people who need help in the society to fulfill corporate citizenship responsibilities.

    【Labor-Management Relations】Inadequate or ineffective labor consultation and communication may prevent employees from voicing their opinions and infringe upon their work rights and interests.

    【Supplier Sustainable Management】Contribute to industrial development with routine procurement activities, such as using green procurement and local procurement to support environmentally friendly products/services and local enterprises.

    【Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)】Money laundering and terrorist financing offenses may damage the reputation of the Company and the rights and interests of
    stakeholders and may even affect the overall stability of the financial market.

  • 4. If you have other corporate social responsibility issues of special concern that you want Taishin Financial Holdings to disclose, or if you have any relevant suggestions and advice for Taishin Financial Holdings, please fill in the blanks below.
  • *Captcha


You are invited to fill in the questionnaire to assist us realizing the CSR fulfillment.


The questionnaire has been submitted.


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