

Taishin FHC's ESG Performance Received A List Rating in CDP Climate Change Evaluation

Taishin FHC was included in both Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) “World” and “Emerging Markets” in November. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) announced the 2020 corporate environmental management performance ratings today (December 8) and Taishin FHC also received the highest A List rating from the CDP. Welch Lin, President of Taishin FHC, stated that Taishin FHC has enhanced core competencies for sustainable governance, sustainable finance, climate change strategies, FinTech, and digital innovation and continues to abide by sustainable development trends. Taishin has won international recognition and will continue to advance toward financial sustainability.


Welch Lin explained that the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent non-profit organization composed of several international institutional investors and it has become the world’s largest environmental reporting system. It leverages the cooperation between investment institutions and the forces of the capital market to encourage companies to pursue sustainable development. The purpose of the rating is to establish standardized information disclosure procedures to request companies to fill out questionnaires and collect the necessary information for analysis and evaluation. The results are provided as reference information for investment institutions. The highest rating is the A List for leadership. Companies evaluated as level A are included in the A List by the CDP. The honor bestowed upon Taishin demonstrates the Company’s commitment to environmental protection.


In terms of green operations, Taishin conducts routine annual greenhouse gas inventories and introduced the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System to examine the environmental impact of the corporate value chain from various aspects. Taishin also implements action plans for effective control and continuous improvement while enhancing environmental performance. In addition, Taishin FHC used the ISO 50001 periodic review of energy consumption, measurement, and monitoring to increase energy efficiency across the board and established the five-year energy conservation target of “reducing average electricity consumption by at least 1% each year.” With regard to the use of resources, we took the initiative in eliminating the use of paper, water conservation, and implementing waste management to minimize the environmental impact of our business operations.


Taishin FHC continues to pay close attention to international trends and understands the impact of climate change issues on the financial services industry. For instance, Taishin FHC focused on international trends, ensured governance and leadership support for enhanced disclosure, revised risk assessment procedures, and used scenario and financial analysis for countering climate change. Taishin FHC actively introduced the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) in 2018 and became a TCFD supporter in 2019 to enhance its capabilities for responding to physical and transformation risks in climate change. In the future, we shall gradually incorporate the TCFD spirit into the business plans of Taishin FHC Group by intensifying and implementing TCFD. We shall expand its use to customers of financial products and services to pursue sustainable growth for the Group and customers and become a smart partner for creating a sustainable environment.


20201208_台新金控ESG好成績 榮獲CDP氣候變遷評比最高等A級肯定_新聞圖片


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