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PLG championship game G4

Sports Sponsorships

The P. LEAGUE+ Professional Basketball League, which has reignited the basketball trend in Taiwan, had its first championship series, which was held behind closed doors due to the rising epidemic. The financial control battle between the two major financial controllers is still hot. The "Formosa Taishin Dreamer" sponsored by Taishin Bank continued to face the Fubon Warriors behind closed doors in Changhua last night (15). The Taishin Dreamer suffered a second-game losing streak and faced the powerful enemy Fubon Warriors, even though they had spent their lives, they still fell into a bitter battle and swallowed their third defeat. The series scored 1-3. Taishin Bank General Manager and Formosa Taishin Dreamer Honorary Team Leader Shang Ruiqiang said that, as a veteran Taishin Dreamer fan, watching the team struggle in the ABL at the beginning of its establishment, the team's record in the first season was the bottom of the season, and it was frequently criticized by the outside world. , But the following year, it made rapid progress and entered the playoffs as the league’s number one. After Taishin Bank’s title sponsorship and support, the team fought in the P. LEAGUE+ league. At the beginning of the season, the team also encountered difficulties and its performance was not as good as everyone expected, but in the end it still played a big game. Surprised, reaching the championship game shows the potential and resilience of this team. Although the Taishin Dreamer is currently in a disadvantaged position, he believes that the players will be able to withstand the pressure, uphold the spirit of the Taishin Dreamer and Taishin Bank to be serious and never give up, and fight to the end.


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