
Brand Event and Videos
Brand Event and Videos

Taishin appeals to 100 NPOs to Protect Taiwan with love

Welfare Activities

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Taishin Charity Foundation called on strategic partners, Angel Groups, and Taiwan’s charity organizations to join forces. In April 2020, more than one hundred charity organizations responded by uploading photos on Facebook in a relay-type of activity. A morale-boosting banner was hung from the Taishin Tower. These integrated offline and online activities were harnessing the Power of Love to safeguard Taiwan. Taishin employees also actively responded to various charity activities of the Taishin Charity Foundation, such as donations of anti-epidemic materials like anti-bacterial soap, children’s masks, medical masks and forehead thermometers, as well as the collection and distribution of children’s picture books, toys, rice and grains, and a second-hand SUV, to alleviate all sorts of urgent needs. The Taishin volunteers also purchased home-delivered organic toxin-free vegetables and fruit grown by charity organizations through employees’ group purchases, which our customers were also invited to join. Besides supporting charity organizations and farmers, these group purchases also helped families eat healthier at home, without worries related to the epidemic. A win-win for everyone.


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即將前往的網址 : https://www.taishinholdings.com.tw/news/news_04.jsp?newspage=01&readYear=2020&rowid=24441



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