
Major Announcements
Major Announcements

Announced by Taishin FHC on behalf of its subsidiary Taishin Bank to issue subordinated financial debentures up to NT$3 billion in 2024

Date of events


To which item it meets

paragraph 11


1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2024/04/18

2.Name [issue no.__ of (secured, unsecured) corporate bonds of

___________ (company)]:

The issuance line of the subordinated financial debentures of Taishin

International Bank in 2024.

3.Whether to adopt shelf registration (Yes/No):No

4.Total amount issued:Up to NT$3 billion.

5.Face value per bond:To be determined by market.

6.Issue price:At par.

7.Issuance period:7-15 years bond.

8.Coupon rate:Fixed rated, to be determined

by market.

9.Types, names, monetary values and stipulations of collaterals:None.

10.Use of the funds raised by the offering and utilization plan:

To strengthen capital structure, enhance

the Capital Adequacy Ratio.

11.Underwriting method:To be determined.

12.Trustees of the corporate bonds:None.

13.Underwriter or agent:To be determined.

14.Guarantor(s) for the issuance:None.

15.Agent for payment of the principal and interest:

The branches of Taishin International Bank.

16.Certifying institution:To be determined.

17.Where convertible into shares, the rules for conversion:N/A.

18.Sell-back conditions:N/A.

19.Buyback conditions:N/A.

20.Reference date for any additional share exchange, stock swap, or


21.Possible dilution of equity in case of any additional share exchange,

stock swap, or subscription:N/A.

22.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.


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